After working 40 plus hours at work, cleaning the house, running errands, and doing laundry, being home alone is exactly what I need. I think to many times being alone, seems sad or depressing, or even guilty, but if you don't take time for yourself, then you can not full
y relax your mind or body.
Starting off the week already stressed only makes for the upcoming week to start off bad. I am hoping that me taking some "me time" will help with the stress work has been having. Especially since I can't enjoy the food I would LOVE to indulge in.
Yesterday, I had a "me day" all day! I went with my friend and co-worker, Amy, to get a Mani and a pedi. It was so nice and relaxing! We said we were going to start doing it once a month. Which, I think isn't a bad idea. We all need to indulge a little!
Then later that night, Wii bowling party at my aunt and uncles house. It was so much fun! We laughed our butts off! We had great snacks! My favorite dip was there too, unfortunately I can't have my favorite dip because it has sour cream, mayo, tomato, cheese and bacon in it. BUT! While sitting by the table, m
y cousin, Erika, and I thought of ways of making it, to where I could eat it. Since I can have Fat Free mayo and sour cream, and tomatoes, get those. Now the bacon is was gives it the flavor, so trying to find a bacon flavored spice will be a challenge. The cheese wont have any part of it =(. I'll let you all know how it turns out.
Then to top off the weekend, I went and exercised with my cousin, who is also my neighbor, Michelle. The wind was a little bit harsh, but it was nice to get out and walk and talk. Which leaves me to where I am now. On the couch, relaxing while the laundry is drying and the dishes are washing.
This has been a great weekend! Thanks everyone for making it that way!!
Have a great day and night!
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