Then I thought to myself, I should not care if its good enough for him, it's me who it has to be good enough for. Especially since this is the first week that I have done this. Did I meet my minimum requirement of 2000 calories burned- yes I did. My question is, why run out of the gate full force, when you have 13 weeks to set the bar higher and higher?
I think this is where people go wrong when trying to change how they feel about themselves. Mentally or physically, it takes time. They want to completely change everything in the matter of 24 hours, but that's not how it works. You have to gradually work up to it. You don't just go run a marathon with our training do you?? So what's the difference with changing the way you eat or exercise?
I do believe in encouragement, but in a positive matter. Watch how you say something and know your body language speaks louder then words. Give someone a good job when they make the right food choices or takes the time to excercise. No one knows how hard it is for you, but you.
I haven't had fried food in over a month and half, nor had a coke. This is HUGE considering I would have a coke at least once a day, and would have fast food, more then I would really like to admit. :O) So I feel good about my progress this week. Especially since I haven't had the urge to eat all the crap I was eating!
Tomorrow I will find out how much I have lost in the past week. I will be happy with 3 pounds, but even happier if it is more then that, but I also know that it takes time, and I am not going to loose a ton of weight over night. Time, it is of the essence.
So remember to give encouragement and support to those who need it along with positivity.
Have a good day and night!
P.S. I picked this picture because this is probably how I looked when Kevin was asking, I mean grilling me, about my PA. Plus its a funny picture :O)
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