It's funny how the change of weather makes everyone in a good mood! People are out washing cars, walking dogs, running and all seem to be waving away the winter blues; well for now at least!
When people make a change in the way they eat it like how the weather changes. It feels like a tornado has ripped through town, when you stop eating all the bad stuff. You wonder when it will stop! Your body feels like its been thrown against the wall, well that is how my head felt when I gave up coke! It sucked!

Then the rain comes. You feel all sad and mopey! You give up something you think you can't live with out, and it return you are irritable and mean. Like how people towards each other when driving in the rain. Or is this just me? When it rains, why can't people take their time? If you are in a hurry to get somewhere, you should have left 15 minutes earlier!
But then finally, the sun comes out! You start feeling better about yourself! You dont feel like a tornado has ripped through!. Its like the first of spring! You get so excited when you start to see results- not that I have seen results since this is only the 3rd day, BUT!!! I imagine it will feel this way.
It was such a nice day today, and it was even nicer having Amy, Tommy and Bella come over and play! Especially since Vito was worn out afterward! If you own a Boxer or a hyper active dog, this is a God send!
Well hope you all were able to enjoy this day, whether you had a play date or not, today was great! Especially since we live in Kentucky, and tomorrow's weather could be snow! (Not that we are, I am just saying so dont go out and buy some milk and bread.)
Have a good day and night!

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