Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weight Loss!

Since so many people (Dad and Uncle Kevin) have been missing my blog updates, I decided to write a little something. Our computer is on the fritz and the one I am writing on isn't working well either.

I have lost 3 more pounds this week, so that means I have lost 20 pounds with HMR. Pretty good! I have also enrolled in a Fitness Study so I get to join Milestone for a month. I just have to take three classes a week.

That shouldn't be to hard. They have about a 1000 to choose from! I went to a Hip Hop Class on Friday and today I did a Step Class. Tomorrow I am going to Zumab!! I haven't been this active since I played soccer in high school!

Some other exciting news is that I am, as of today, am two pounds below what I was when I got married!! Now that is some excitement. Bad news is I am having a hard time find some black pants for work. =( The size I was is to big, and the next size down it a little to snug. I went looking last weekend, so maybe tomorrow I can find a pair.

I am in desperate need of a pair of pants, because the pants I wear to work now look like I have pooped in my pants they are that baggy in the but! (haha) It is a pretty funny site to see.

Well I will write more I promise when I get my lap top working right.

Have a great day and night!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for and proud of you!!!! I was over at dad's today and he was talking about how you hadn't written, so I'm glad you updated us all!!
