Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Its Going to be a Good Day!

Have you ever gotten up and thought "Today is going to be a bad day." Then in the end it turns out pretty good. That's what I thought today! It could have been because Vito decided to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, then decided that my pillow was the perfect place for his head, not for mine. If you have ever met Vito, you can see what the problem is, for you of those who haven't, here is a nice visual for your mind.

Imagine sleeping, when a 75 pound child comes jumping into bed, then throws th
eir body onto your pillow. Their face right in front of yours, feeling every breath, but wait, they are going to give you another run for your money and start snoring, snoring so loud you think its your husband. And that my friend, is what is like when Vito jumps into bed, and sleeps with us.

Really, I don't know why this morning I thought it was going to be a bad day. I mean, Vito does sleep with us 99% of the time, so really the only thing that was different was him getting up in the middle of the night. I guess that little change can throw you off, like how a simple change in what you eat can change how your day can go.

Eat something that doesn't agree with you, and we all know what happens. You
r stomach begins to ache, you get irritable, everything goes down hill. BUT, if you eat something wholesome and good for you, your body responds in a positive way. You are a happier person and you are more pleasant to be around.

So the next time you think you might have a bad day, take a step back and see what could make you think this. Was it something in your morning routine that threw you off, or a bad
food choice that haunts you for the day. At the end of the day, we all had or have something that can make us choose to continue to have a bad day, its how we handle it, that makes us either end on a bad note, or a positive note. So what ever makes you turn a negative into a positive, do it, as long as you don't do something illegal or stupid. :O)

Have a good day and night!


PS This is not a posed picture, I would look WAY better if I were going to stage it. ;

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