Monday, February 9, 2009

Partner in Crime.

If you have ever been in a medical or dental office and have been able to see the break room, it looks like someone robbed the junk food isle and stashed as much junk food as possible thinking "who's going to look here?" Let me tell you, we have more junk then you can imagine. Doctors, patients, Reps- they love to bring us cookies, popcorn, candy, pies, candy, etc. You would think it would be healthy, but HA! your wrong! (Dont get me wrong a treat like this is very nice, but maybe if our office had more self control we would be good, but we have 7 woman in the office and one man, that's a lot of emotional baggage people!) So that's why it is important to have, a partner in crime!

My partner in crime in this is Teresa. I work with her, so it makes it nice to have someone who knows the temptation of a Carmel Apple Pie from the Pie Kitchen, or fresh baked cookies from another office. Or to remind you to eat your snacks. Yes, both times today she had to remind me to eat them! Sad, I know, but I got busy!

No matter what you do its nice to have a partner in crime, unless you are going to rob a bank, that is just stupid! Unless you are going to be doing something positive, its not as much fun! :O)
Its nice to have support no matter what you are doing. The smallest support can sometimes be the biggest! It can be a "nice job" or a high five, and if you are a boy, a slap on the butt, it all works the same- they all say GOOD JOB! (I do have to admit, I dont understand why guys slap each others booties, but hey, if it gives them that extra push, then more power to ya!)

This is going to be a short one because I am tired and still need to drink a shake before bed. Tonight I am going to have Banana Cream Pie- Vanilla Protein shake powder, with two tablespoons of Sugar Free, Fat Free Banana Cream pudding and 4-5 pieces of ice. Yummie!

I hope you had a good day and have a great night!
"KAPA"- Keep A Positive Attitude!



  1. Keep it up Em!!! I'm glad you got someone to help out at work!!! And your shake sounds really good tonight!!!!

  2. We also know what else KAPA stands for! Glad things are going well. I'm proud of you:)

  3. Ummmm, how can you tell me you have a blog?!?! I LOVE blogging! Come and check me out! OK, now I'm gonna go read your posts...I had to comment first! :)

  4. I have been reading your blog! I just never have commented.. but I will start. (haha) Thanks for reading!

  5. You're right! Gotta have a partner, especially at work! Sadly, that is where most people spend the majority of their time. Having a buddy will make it so much easier. I love the slogan! KAPA!
